Imagine what would it look and feel like inside and outside of you if you embraced your innate potential instead of your fear, if you took one step at a time towards expressing your desires instead of repeating what is familiar, if you were living the life of your dreams.

In every moment we are choosing how we create our lives, because we are creation itself.

Break your mold.

Do that thing you’ve always wanted to do.

Be yourself, it echoes.

Experiential Life Design to unlock the infinite expressions of your soul

I’m a fire sign (Sagittarius), and have taken that fire with me through many incarnations in this lifetime. I love to learn, experience, celebrate, relate, care, guide and grow. I fear staying the same much more than walking into the unknown. When I know that what I’m living out, and living in, is no longer serving my highest good, I follow my compass towards my evolution, getting into the next vehicle of rebirth. I’ve become a singer, photographer, dancer, poet, songwriter, event designer, florist, painter, sculptor, gardener, jewelry maker, story teller, decorator, entertainer, educator, friend, mother, and more. I will expand forevermore, in this lifetime and the next.

Over the past twenty five years I have focused most of my professional and creative development in the floral and event industry. That endeavor was richly rewarding, endlessly challenging, and imaginative in every single way. It allowed me to blend so many of my artistic talents and expertise with my intuition and empathic gifts. By connecting, feeling, communicating, and forming an energetic partnership with my clients and my design team, I was able to build custom environments that expressed their inner vision in their outer world. I lived for the moment that my clients would walk into their living dream, watching them be transported to a place of awe and disbelief that all of our plans came true. They cried happy tears and cursed with joy (always my favorite combination), hugged me, thanked me, and then lived in that transformational setting for a a matter of hours. Those hours were spent joyfully, meaningfully in celebration with family, friends, and colleagues. They never wanted it to end, and honestly, I didn’t either.

In 2022 I realized that I wanted to take that nugget of goodness that we so widely accept and cherish for party settings, and bring it full force into everyday life. I couldn’t live with the thought that at the end of the party people went home to their “regular” lives and everything we created went back into our trucks and disappeared. I knew in my heart that “regular” could be replaced by reverie, that fantasy was just as real as reality, and that we could all choose to unlock and embody our desires to live every day like it was a soulful, intentional, personal, expression of celebration. I knew then and now that human beings need to shine their light to be their best, and that our individual lights empower and inspire everyone around us to do the same. We all need to shine our individual light in order to see and feel the world with fresh eyes and open hearts, in order to heal and feel love for ourselves, our communities, and the planet. I want to be a part of making all of our dreams come true every day, bringing peace, empowerment, compassion, and expansion to our homes and businesses.

how we can work together

In addition to being a Multidimensional Artist, I am a Life Designer, Peace Practitioner & Reiki Master. I use my intuitive gifts and a combination of my expertise to help you unlock your soul’s potential and express what you came to this life on Earth to share, to live and feel the fully embodied life you deserve!

You are the powerful creator of your infinite inner and outer reality, shaping it in all you do. In each moment, you’re perceiving the world through your personal lens, and choosing to tell the Universe what you believe you’re worthy of receiving with your thoughts, energy, environments, and actions.

You can choose to let go of of what’s holding you back, what’s silencing your voice, what’s keeping you from crossing the bridge from a familiar limitation to an open world of potential, creation, and joyful fulfillment. You can live wide-eyed, on purpose, curious and walking towards your next destination.

You are one of life’s mysterious and intricate creations. There is only one you. Your gifts are yours alone, and your story is meant to be shared. Let’s discover what fires you up, what’s aligned with you, what moves you to do what you’re here to do, and what you need to let go of in order to open up to what life has to offer you.

Let’s turn the page and start your next chapter!

peaceful practices

intuitive guidance / meditation & habit formation / reiki / art and nature therapy

sacred space design

retreat & event design / interior design / art & plant curation / altar creation

photography & fine arts

portraits of purpose / divine feminine form / creative direction

“the longer you wait to for the future you want, the less time you have to spend in it”

- Geoff K. Cooper

how we can begin

We’ll start with a Walk and Talk! This 60 minute vessel is:

  • a moving meditation to breathe and get your energy flowing

  • an introduction to build trust and open communication

  • an appreciation of the world outside that connects us all

  • an excavation to begin digging up your potential dreams

  • an exploration of the offerings that best fit your next steps

Let’s take the first steps towards the most fulfilling phase of your life!


a lover of life

a renaissance woman

a peaceful maximalist

a direct eye contact talker

a nearly reformed perfectionist

deeply spiritual and not religious

usually the loudest laugher in the room

a 50% ruler follower and 50% mold breaker

an old soul, intuitive, empathic, people person

a collector of rocks, feathers, plants, art, vintage glass, and art supplies

a creator who can make just about anything that excites me enough to try it

a wild woman, artist in flow, who also finds deep serenity at The Container Store

a huge fan of fun, friends, and adventure, finding just about any reason to celebrate

a Splenic Manifestor, who loves the tools and freedom found through Human Design

a childhood trauma survivor, thriving on an adult journey of self-healing and discovery

a racecar driver at heart, channeling that confidence, instinct, and clarity into my every day life

connected to the inescapable pull to boldly rebirth my life over and over, cutting away what no longer aligns with me or lights me up, in order to make room for what is coming in to shape me next

for my fellow list lovers


rest is a beautiful word

it’s our birthright to live a life we love

in the endless capacity for human change

in the exponential power of ancestral healing

that my child is as much my teacher as I am his

that radical love is what we all need to save the world

that a healthy, delicious meal, heals the body, mind, and spirit

in having a conversation with someone I love until I fall asleep mid-word

that we’re all connected infinitely and intricately to each other, the planet, and all of creation

that our differences are the most special gifts, and we’re meant to share them with each other

in loving and respecting my deepest shadows, knowing they’ve been cast by the brightest light

that learning how to care for a plant can create a dopamine hit for learning to care for the planet

that energy is contagious, and that we should surround ourselves with people who light us up and encourage us to be our best selves, even if we don’t know who that is yet

that music, art, meditation, long walks in nature, dancing, being still near or in bodies of water, close and kindred human connection, sunshine, birds, flowers, the moon and night sky, and time with my son, are some of my favorite medicines

be yourself, it echoes

I have always shared my gifts with those closest to me, and it is my deepest desire and purpose to share them with you. I believe WITHOUT A DOUBT that we’re ALL here on Earth to LOVE ourselves so that we know how to love others, and that when our cups overflow, together we can build a river of love to heal the world. I feel you, I see you, I believe in you, and I want to help you uncover your path as you walk towards your next destination. Life itself is creation, and you are one of its important creators. Let’s write your next chapter.

Life is too short, too magical, and filled with too many possibilities for you to live within the confines of a persona or purpose that was defined for you, carrying the weight of the pain that has helped to shape you. You’re one-of-a-kind, here to learn about and experience yourself fully, to take your lessons and gifts forward into your next fully embodied life, and to let your light shine - connecting with those around you who share in and celebrate your hopes, dreams, and desires too. You’re here to guide others to their light as well, so that one by one we can make this world a brighter, more joyful, grateful, and loving planet for ourselves, our earth, and generations to come. You’re here to open up your heart, heal and grow, shake things up, sing a new song, dance a new dance, and break all the molds.